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Endospheres Special - 50% OFF first session! Use promo code NEWBODY50 at checkout. BOOK NOW

02, 06, 2024

NanoVi for the Win

Bellator World Champion Juan Archuleta has a title to defend and a NanoVi® device to help him succeed

Few people would say 2020 was a “good” year. But for mixed martial arts fighter Juan Archuleta, it sure was a successful one.

On September 12, 2020, Juan went five rounds against Patchy Mix to capture the Bellator Bantamweight World Championship title—his first—by unanimous decision.

Since then, the champ has kept an eye on future fights. Winning is exciting, he says, not for the glory but because after a victory, “You get a chance to sit and reset your goals.” Helping him in this pursuit are other fighters who hold or held world titles themselves. “They help you understand what it’s like being a champion and how to continue to be a champion,” he explains.

Champions don’t have the luxury of rest if they want to stay on top, and Juan has been working hard in preparation for this title defense against Sergio Pettis. Prior to fight week, he was in what he called “extreme training.” That might explain why he’s “the strongest, most cut-up I’ve ever been in my life.”

Surrounded by Greatness

Fighting and winning are in Juan Archuleta’s blood. “Growing up I’ve always looked up to my older brothers and my dad because they were people I wanted to be. They were competitors in wrestling, winning titles after titles. When you’re winning titles, you’re bringing successful people around you to continue to get better.”

As he began fighting, Juan noticed that professional athletes were no different. Pro attracted pro, champ attracted champ. Successful older fighters like Joe “Daddy” Stevenson and Dan Henderson attracted other, younger successful fighters. Juan realized that being around that level of greatness could motivate him to seek greatness himself. “And then you start asking questions like: ‘how did you set yourself up to be successful?’” Archuleta explains.

The older fighters’ reply? “The first thing everyone said was you set a goal, and then you work for that goal every day. When you go to sleep, and you feel like you didn’t do everything you needed to do to get to that goal, then you’ve got to go back the next day and really work hard to make up for that day.”

The advice worked. After years of pushing hard to reach his goals, Juan Archuleta took home Bellator’s Bantamweight World Champion belt the day before his thirty-third birthday.

Juan Archuleta: Biohacking Believer

In 2011, UFC statistician David Williams posited that most MMA fighters can compete for about nine years before experiencing a steep decline in their performance. If the so-called “Nine-Year Rule” holds true, Juan Archuleta is more than halfway through his career.

Try telling him that.

“Longevity is key,” he says, grinning. “Because longevity makes more money, more revenue.”

All joking aside, professional fighters put their bodies through a lot. There are intensive training schedules, fight week weight and water cuts, and of course the matches themselves, which include more than a few blows to the head. Juan is aware of the risks that come with each pound lost or gained and each punch or kick taken. He is not interested in extending his career if it means he won’t be able to enjoy his retirement. Fortunately, his coach, Sam Calavitta, has the same approach. Sam works to optimize the performance and health of all fighters he coaches, which include fellow Bantamweight UFC fighter T.J. Dillashaw. About Juan, T.J. says “No one works harder than this man and it will show come fight night”.

The champ has turned to biohacking in order to safely extend the life of his career beyond its expected run. When Juan Archuleta was beginning his Bellator contract, his coach, Sam Calavitta, steered the fighter to O2 Health Lab in Orange County, California. O2 provides newest and most innovative performance and recovery technology to clientele that includes professional athletes like Juan. Co-owner Mark Westaway gave Juan a rundown of the technology. Juan admits he didn’t understand much of what Mark was saying at the time. Still, he told Mark: “If you say it’s going to work, and it’s gonna help me I’ll jump in.”

After a session in O2’s hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) chamber, Juan says, “I had one of the best performances I’ve ever had in my life. I was full of confidence, not nervous about getting knocked out.” The change was so profound that he partnered with O2, and: “It’s been a match made in heaven, because they led me to bigger things in biohacking.”

Discovering NanoVi®

One of those “bigger things” is actually quite small: O2 is where Juan discovered Eng3’s NanoVi technology. Stacking it with HBOT, Juan noticed how beneficial the new technology was. While an HBOT session could leave him tired, combining it with NanoVi restored his energy.

The benefits of NanoVi were so apparent to Juan from his first use that he realized he needed a device of his own. He travels with it when he’s on the road for a fight, and it’s become a crucial part of his training and recovery regimen in the lead-up to his title defense match against Sergio Pettis.

Using his NanoVi before sparring, Juan says, puts him into a meditative state. “When I go out there, I’m not so antsy. You know, I’m already fully covered, recovered. My breathing and everything feels awesome. When I go out there, I’m just carefree.” This meditative state of mind has helped him with decision-making in the ring, he says. He’s not firing on adrenaline. He has the opportunity to think about the combos he wants to hit, to plan his counterattacks and his blocks.

Juan likens it to having a sixth sense about his opponents. He says he faces them “…knowing what they’re going to do before they do it. You know, before [NanoVi] I used to think, okay, he’s gonna throw this and then boom, I get hit, and I didn’t have time to react. So my reaction time wasn’t there. But,” he continues, “I believe because I’m so well recovered now using the NanoVi just gives me that time to explode right when I need to. Like, okay, the kid’s gonna come so let me just throw my combination first or like he’s gonna go try for a takedown let me defend it right away and then get my offense off right away.”

Defending His Title

The technology has been helpful to Juan when he finishes a workout or a fight. Whereas he used to feel “loopy and a little bit out of it” for some time after, he now feels recovered within an hour. He’s not the only one who’s noticed this. Juan’s training partners have commented on his seeming ability to bounce back quickly. He’s taken to sharing the technology with anyone interested in trying it: it’s become a team favorite during weight cuts.

With his title defense fight drawing ever nearer, Juan’s NanoVi is never far away. “I really need to focus and make a statement for myself, my family and my team. One way of doing that is manifesting, meditation. You can’t do that if you’re not in tune with your body or your body’s not recovered. I feel like [a NanoVi session is] the best time for me to manifest and really daydream and think about the fight and think how well it could go. So that’s one of the big factors I’ve been using the NanoVi with is meditation for my recovery to physically, mentally, and spiritually heal me while I’m just manifesting everything and really pushing it out there. It’s going and believing in myself knowing I’m gonna go and defend this belt 100% and win.”

And because he’ll be entering into the match rested and ready to fight, it’s easy to see how Juan Archuleta will do exactly that.